Timing belt tensioner pulley bearing replacement

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Timing belt tensioner pulley bearing replacement

Post by MNAspencade »

It began on a ride one day - the 1200A started knocking enough to cause me some concern. When I got home I followed the sound to the right front of the motor. Took off the right valve cover - all bolts tight and no loose valves. Next check was the timing - front covers came off and while turning the engine over manually There was a loud click coming from one of the tensioner pulleys. I decided to replace them with new pulleys. I found some great information on replacements here http://www.sdb-e.com/TENSIONER/TENSIONE ... LD-JCS.pdf or http://www.goldwingfacts.com/forums/10- ... -25-a.html I chose the 12mm wheel stud method. The build of the part is outlined well in the above links.

On initial install I did notice that there was no adjustment available and found that there is a tab that the back of the tensioner rests on. the back of the stud was hitting this tab preventing full adjustment.

Left side
Left side

Rather than grinding of the tab on the engine case I decider to trim a bit off the rear of the stud. I only needed to trim about a fourth to a third off.

trimmed stud
trimmed stud

the rest of the install went normally. I have yet to put many miles on the new setup but they are much quieter than the old ones. I hope this can help some of you out there.

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Re: Timing belt tensioner pulley bearing replacement

Post by CMReynolds1 »

Thanks, I added that to my library for future reference for any others. Very nice!
Ride Safe,

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Re: Timing belt tensioner pulley bearing replacement

Post by FM-USA »

MNAspencade wrote:It began on a ride one day - the 1200A started knocking enough to cause me some concern. ... I decided to replace them with new pulleys.
Ride Safe !
How's that tensioner fix?
When I do one thing, I'll side-step a little & learn few more things.
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