Lost |Keys for a gl100 Aspencade

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Lost |Keys for a gl100 Aspencade

Post by wildon »

Any one any idea what i can do without stripping the igniton , the bike is in the uk now but was sold orignally in Canada
any help appreciated
Cheers Wildon

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Re: Lost |Keys for a gl100 Aspencade

Post by WingAdmin »

You can shimmy the gas tank open using a blade that won't damage the paint (a disposable dinner knife works well). Slide it in next to the lock, then upwards to trip the latch.

On the bottom of the lock, you'll find a three-digit code. Take the code (or just remove the tank lock altogether and take it - it's quite easy to do) to any decent locksmith, and he should be able to make you up a new set of keys.
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