Painting, how much is reasonable to pay?

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Painting, how much is reasonable to pay?

Post by stevenstrack »

I'm getting ready to have my GL1100I Wing painted. Can someone tell me what is a reasonable price to pay someone for painting my Wing with parts removed (nothing customized just a standard paint job)? What is the average price if I were to just pull and not prep them and average cost if I sanded and prepped the surfaces? I would appreciate any input.

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Re: Painting, how much is reasonable to pay?

Post by maestro319 »

Yes!!! I would like to hear the reply too. I just had some scratches on the fenders of my trike sanded and repainted, then the rest of the bike buffed and cleaned up. Cost me a BUNDLE!!!! The body shop did a great job, but geeez, it was more expensive than my car. I'd also like to get an idea of what shops in other areas charge per hour. My Honda dealer, the body shop that did my trike, and a private shop that's doing my brakes and replacing the seals on my forks all charge about $80.00 per hour for their work.
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Re: Painting, how much is reasonable to pay?

Post by gogs11uk »

Can't help you with the cost over the pond guys but i can suggest that you do some of the prep yourselves if cost is a major factor. THat is where a lot of the price of a good paintjob comes from. Usually a good prep = a good paint job and vice versa. Paint itself isn't cheap but the labour costs for prep can be horendous.
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Re: Painting, how much is reasonable to pay?

Post by rrmiller73 »

I'm planning to paint my olds bike myself. Nothing fancy but looks like paint and materials for the sytem I want to use will exceed $200. Your looking at a a lot of labor removing, sanding masking priming etc. If you hire that all out at $50 to $100/ hour that a good painter will charge I would guess you will spend more than the bike is worth depending on it's age. Better find a buddy that can paint and do the prep yourself would be my advice. Anyone taken one to a body shop for paint?
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Re: Painting, how much is reasonable to pay?

Post by MJSantos »

Maybe another option to entertain is now that schools are back in session maybe there's a Trade School associated with the school system that teaches Auto Body repair. Could save a bundle right there. Most of them usually charge for materials only. Since our old girls are ABS it would be unique for them.

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