GPS Sena Wireless Issue

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Joined: Mon Aug 21, 2017 8:36 pm
Location: Port Dover Ontario
Motorcycle: 2007 Gold Wing

GPS Sena Wireless Issue

Post by AssnBrad »

I recently purchased a Sena 2.0 Blue Tooth Headset with a Sena Wireless Blue tooth for the rider and passenger to connect to the infotainment system. I paired the Blue Tooth headset with the Wireless system and it worked great but then I depressed the talk toggle and the sound reduced, as it is supposed to while the parties chat however it stayed in that reduced state and now I can talk freely without depressing the talk button but cannot hear the music through the headset very well. I tried everything I can think of but nothing works. I expect that the problem might be mechanical i.e. the button is stuck on but in case it is something else I should be doing to get it back to normal mode I would love to hear about it.



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