Difficulty Adjusting Clutch Cable

Information and questions on GL1000 Goldwings (1975-1979)
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Posts: 16
Joined: Sat Jun 01, 2019 6:31 pm
Location: Sylvan Beach, NY
Motorcycle: 1976 GL1000, Limited Edition

Difficulty Adjusting Clutch Cable

Post by leonardhcross »

I have only had experience with truck clutches. I have no familiarity with "wet" clutches. So, when I start my 76 GL1000 from cold in first gear, the bike wants to "creep" ahead a bit. Not knowing that this was normal for cold wet clutches, I concluded that my clutch cable needed to be tightened to assure complete separation. So, I read all that I could find. It sounded simple, so I jumped in. Two-and-a-half hours later and considerable frustration I had sort of completed the task. It would have been really helpful if somebody had said....."Before you attempt to adjust the cable, make sure that there is still room for adjustment. And here is how you do that." I'm pretty sure that I just learned the hard way how to determine if there is any more adjustment left. If this post helps some other "newbie" to avoid the frustration, that would be great. My new cable has been ordered from Randakk's.

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