Does anyone know if......

Information and questions on GL1100 Goldwings (1980-1983)
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Does anyone know if......

Post by GoldLokiToad »

So I bought an 81 gl1100 the other day, and I'm ordering some parts and pieces to do a thorough round of maintenance and noticed something strangely odd about the OEM part number for the thermostat. It would appear that the Honda Civic, and Accord take the same filter the GL1100, GL1500, GL650 and probably many others take. I mention this because the price difference between a cycle shop charging the full MSRP of like 35$ you can get one at an auto parts store for 8-12$ cheaper. Now if anyone knows hat they're not the same, then by all means throw those rotting veggies my way. and explain the difference, I'd like to know. Honda OEM Part# 19300-611-005

Now I also have a question......Is there any real benefit to using an OEM thermostat or should I save my money for other goodies?

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Re: Does anyone know if......

Post by redbug »

Glad to see you buy OEM especially on the thermostat. Warm up times are quicker and it is the right size. Be sure the little hole is at the top. If they fit other hondas good at least they will be available.
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Re: Does anyone know if......

Post by DaveO430 »

The OEM thermostats rarely ever fail. I worked on Honda cars for over 35 years and could count the # of bad thermostats on 1 hand with fingers left over.
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98 valkyrie sold 8/16

Re: Does anyone know if......

Post by Wilcoy02 »

I get a lot of my parts from the AUTO Honda dealer. They are the same numbers and a lot cheaper than Mother Honda's at the bike shop

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