83 gl1100 speed sensor on speedometer disconnected

Information and questions on GL1100 Goldwings (1980-1983)
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Motorcycle: 1983 gl1100 interstate

83 gl1100 speed sensor on speedometer disconnected

Post by mdblackjazz »

Any one know what will happen with turn signals (self canceling) if I disconnect speed sensor on 83 gl1100 speedometer and replacing from speedometer off 750 or gl1000 with correct ratios and not connecting speed sensor.
I understand the speed sensor is part of self canceling circuit. Is that correct?
The 750 or gl1000 does not use speed sensor on speedometer , the after market replica is about 90$ for those speedometers.
The 83 speedometers are hard to find . I looked at both they are the same size with a different bracket removable on the bottom.
If that bracket is removed the two mounting bolts align with backing plate bolts on the 83 .
Can anyone confirm will work and if disconnecting speed sensor with cause turn signal issue?
If speed sensor circuit closed by bridge wire across sensor what will happen with in the turn signal self canceling ?

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