Hi - Folks - Came across this vid on -
YouTube - Motorcycle Induction Systems Goldwing GL 1500
Do you understand how your 1500 Goldwing induction system works ?? -
Ask yourself these questions :-
1) Do you know it has 7 induction systems on the bike ?? - Do you know how the 7 systems work together ?? .
2) Do you know what the colour coding on the hoses is for and which part of the system each colour refers too ?? .
If the answer is No !! -
Then its very important too watch the video below before you start tearing into the guts of your wing - Pulling bits out and not knowing which bits go where or even worse what the part is ?? - When you put it back together again ! .
By watching this video you will learn about both how the 7 systems work and how to troubleshoot each part of the system and what each colour code refers to which part of the system .
This is very useful to know if you are doing deep work on the wing - Eg - Carb removal - Vac lines under the rubber matting where several systems converge at one point .
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IMHO - THIS VID - SHOULD BE POSTED ON THE HOW TO ARTICLES !! - To aid all 1500 wing owners out there !!