Mystery Vacuum line

Information and questions on GL1500 Goldwings (1988-2000)
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Mystery Vacuum line

Post by Jkjiv »

My first post, I am investigating an intermittent sucking sound coming from below the handle bars and found an end of a vacuum line not connected to anything. I don't think it's the source of the noise because the sound sounds like a higher volume sucking sound than a hissing sound like I would expect from a vacuum line. Not to say it isn't related. But I can't figure out where it should be connected. Check photo. The vacuum line is very close to two other lines all having pink bands and each having a number on them, (1,2 & 3). This line unconnected line is labeled 1.

I'm hoping I don't have to start tearing plastic off of the sides of the aircleaner housing. Previous owner had a mechanic working on it before I bought it looking for a nonexistent fuel leak and I've found many things not properly assembled.

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Joined: Mon Oct 01, 2018 6:15 am
Location: Sedalia, MO
Motorcycle: 1988 GL1500

Re: Mystery Vacuum line

Post by bbrackett »

not looking at a diagram and dont have mine apart like that at the moment
I think it goes to the warm air valve on top of the air box
allows warm air scavenged of left side exhaust to provide warm air when its cold out to the carbs
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