Loss of Coolant and Overheating

Information and questions on GL1800 Goldwings (2001-2017)
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Loss of Coolant and Overheating

Post by Wingman21 »

Hey guys. I recently had a ride up Pikes Peaks on my 2006 GL1800. I bought this bike in 2023 and put 2000 kms on it before my trip and it ran great. On the 100-mile trip to Pikes Peak, it ran great as well. Halfway up Pikes, my temperature gauge started to climb very quickly and forced me to stop as the needle was now on H. I checked the coolant and the stick was dry. It was full when left. No drips on the ground, no coolant in the oil and no white smoke out the pipes. I added water (as I didn't have any antifreeze with me) and made it to the top. It seemed better if I kept it in third gear rather than 2nd as I was previously using. Even so, where did the coolant go? After doing the Peaks run, I rode it for 2 weeks in Colorado and Wyoming averaging 200 miles a day. The fluid was at the proper level and stayed proper for the next two weeks.
Any ideas? Even though it's OK now, without an explanation what happened, I'm leary of it happening again.

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Re: Loss of Coolant and Overheating

Post by Rambozo »

Test the pressure cap and make sure it opens at the right pressure. If it's low you could have lost coolant as steam.
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Re: Loss of Coolant and Overheating

Post by GoldWingrGreg »

Most 5th gen Wings are poorly maintained, and their cooling sytems, clutch and brake systems, often show it.

Most likely you have a coolant leak(s). To find it (them), you'll need to pressure test the cooling system. Here at JustWings, we do a high pressure test, and a low pressure test. The high is done at 16-18psi, and the low at 6-8. One with no leaks will hold each pressures for 4hrs each. If you have a belly pan, be sure it is removed for testing. Usually you can get a pressure tester at chain auto stores using their loaner tool program. Here at JustWings, most owners with coolant leaks are not aware that they have them ... no smell, no drips.

Another common thing that causes over heating is from poor maintance. When Honda says that the coolant needs changed ever 2yrs, or 24k, whichever comes first, that means that it needs change accordingly. When not, a layer of white powder coats the cylinder wall jackets that slows heat transfer between the cumbustion area and the coolant. Here at JustWings we see a lot of that.

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