Shoei Neotec, XXL, $450

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Joined: Sat Oct 23, 2010 2:20 pm
Location: Austin, AR
Motorcycle: 2002 GL1800; Have been to SD & WV on it along with all over Arkansas. Double Darkside & loving it!

Shoei Neotec, XXL, $450

Post by lopeha55 »

Nearly new condition! Wore twice to work (20 miles each time) & on a 180 mile ride, always wearing a silk beanie. It is just not comfortable on my weird shaped noggin so My Loss, Your Gain. Comes as seen. In the interest of full disclosure it does have a small chip on the right side and a small piece cut out of the left cheek piece for a headset install. $450 shipped in the US.

Always have a smile on your face, drives folks crazy wondering what you're getting away with

If you woke up this morning don't complain, you woke up!
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