Looking for the Honda GL1000 Carb Rebuild DVD Video by Randakk. If any one has this in the UK for sale?
Randakk Carb DVD in UK
- Posts: 206
- Joined: Sun May 14, 2017 6:56 pm
- Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
- Motorcycle: 1980 GL1100 Interstate
1978 GL1000
Re: Randakk Carb DVD in UK
Hi Shammon. I've been searching for one for you in the UK but I can't find them through any retail source. My only suggestion is keep watching ebay UK for a used one, or you might just have to order a new one from Randakk's in the USA. Another possibility to try is contacting some of the UK chapters of the Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club. If there are members in any of the chapters with a GL1000, they might be willing to either lend or sell you a copy of that DVD if they have it. Good luck with your Goldwing.
- AZgl1800
- Posts: 2932
- Joined: Thu Oct 30, 2008 2:46 pm
- Location: Lake Oologah Indian Territory USA
- Motorcycle: 2009 Piaggio MP3 250cc https://imgur.com/foGDjgv
'02 GL1800 lives in Dawsonville, GA now.
My son is going to enjoy it for many years to come.
Re: Randakk Carb DVD in UK
I just used www.SearchTempest.com and switched to the UK version, and it came up with nothing in the UK
https://www.searchtempest.com/search?st ... or+sale%22
https://www.searchtempest.com/search?st ... or+sale%22