Wanted J&M HC_JJ Cords

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Wanted J&M HC_JJ Cords

Post by 89 1500 »

Apparently after an exhaustive search J&M has discontinued production of the one piece cord HC_JJ. I found one on fleabay but need 2. I'm not ready to throw a ton of cash for rider/passenger freewire setup's just yet. Our headsets work perfectly fine but those cords don't last long. If there's any out there let me know please or another cord that would work on the older headsets. Thanks...

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Re: Wanted J&M HC_JJ Cords

Post by kwthom »


I think your problem is going to be - once these cables die, would you be ready to do something else?

Hope this helps!
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Re: Wanted J&M HC_JJ Cords

Post by BlueThunder »

I used to make these type of cables. Straight forward soldering. Parts are readily available. Make a couple extras for the future.

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Re: Wanted J&M HC_JJ Cords

Post by 89 1500 »

Thanks for the link Kw I ordered a couple of sets lol. My cords work fine Blue but the coil in the cords weathered and fell apart and I'm left with a flopping mess. I guess I could get some straight cord and make what I need with the connectors I have. Fortunately I was taught to solder correctly and to use the correct size heat shrink so my wiring doesn't look like it broke out with the mumps. I'll search Binder and a few other supply sites and see if I can find compatible connectors too. I need to quit being so lazy I'm going to find more and more things I need that are out of production for my 28 year old girl. Thanks again y'all…..

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